Thursday, July 30, 2009

A new fast, day 1

Just documenting the start day of a new fast. This time I'll be aiming for 30 days.

I'm not sure of my start weight, because I didn't weigh. I figure I was between 195-198 to begin with. I'm not as interested in the daily losses, as much as the overall. I've become very zen about the whole thing :)

Will post updates less frequently as I'm in a very redundant stage for this blog. I'll get more thorough when I reach around 2 weeks or so.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Blag (aka Day 1)

Bleh. I feel icky. There is a lump of food in my stomach that refuses to go away.

I broke my fast Sunday night as well as all day Monday. That was an experiment in crappiness. I did everything WRONG, and I'm paying the consequences of my actions today.

191 lbs today. 5 stinking pounds in a day and a half of craptacular eating. I suspect 3/4 of that is sitting, undigested in my stomach at this moment.

I just couldn't get around it though. So I'm going to have to take this as a learning experience and use my knowledge for good, not evil.

What have I learned? Don't break a fast incorrectly. Do no go immediately into eating chicken fingers and cheesy french fries with ranch dressing. Delicious as they may be, your poor tummy doesn't know what the hell to do with that crap after 11 days of lounging about with its feet up. Break a fast properly, with juice the first day, fresh soft fruit the next, and so on and so forth.

Well, I'm hoping on the bright side, that this will help me power through that little stall I was having and get me down to the lower 180s sometime next week.

It's hard not to be annoyed when you lose ground this way, but such is life. You are out there, fasting on your own, without the support of most of your friends and family. Being told you are anorexic and crazy if you dare to tell someone 1% of what you're doing. I wish I had the resources to do this in a treatment center, far from those who will talk down to you with no knowledge and farther from those who want you to eat. So this could be your story, and that's why I'm posting it. There is ALWAYS recovery after a screw up. That's called LIFE, people. Nothing is perfect, it's just about getting up, dusting yourself off, taking a lesson from it, and moving forward.

The only way I would fail is if I didn't restart my fast immediately. I had considered going off for a week and restarting, but that was with the belief I would have eaten more reasonably and healthily than I did. Since I chose not to, I don't feel I'm ready to make good choices like I did at the end of my first fast.

Another good way to look at this is now I can go for another 2 week fast and manage to do a month long fast with 1 break in the middle :)

Now a cousin is visiting. She's coming in today (oh when will this END!!) I will tell them I'm seeing them on days I'm fasting (IF). If they bug me to visit on days I'm not fasting, I'll tell them I'm purposely seeing them on my fast days to keep me from overindulging when I'm not :) That sounds like a good plan!

I'm bummed at the idea of having to go through some of the detox crap again. :(

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Breaking my fast tomorrow (temporarily!)

I have a girlfriend visiting from out of town and she has been hounding me to get together to have dinner with her. I thought I satiated her need to see me by hanging at the beach, but that wasn't enough apparently. Hehehe.

So, reluctantly, and on the heels of my stupid stall, I will break my fast tomorrow.

I'm going to break it with juice (and maybe a papaya!) in the morning, and I'll try to stick with a simple salad for dinner, but the thought of some salmon is kind of tempting. That may be too much! I didn't have any adverse effects coming off my last fast, so I may be fairly ok.

I think I'll just stay off my fast for a few days, or maybe just one day, and hop back on. Heck, it may even break me out of the stall.

So, I'm preparing for the worst and hoping for the best.

I think it's really difficult to get through a 30 day fast if you aren't hidden away from the world at some retreat, because there is the constant pressure to eat. 2 week fasts seem to be all I can manage right now, and any way I look at it, it's still better than nothing.

To think, had I not discovered fasting, I would be sitting her at 206 lbs right now, thinking of ordering a burger and lots of beer tomorrow, instead of 186 lbs, thinking of the lightest, healthiest thing I can get off the menu :) Change is change.

Day 10

186 again today. Now I'm annoyed. This is seriously bugging me. I had better see that damn scale move tomorrow. 3 days at 186 is not cool.

I had 2 mugs of tea last night, one with honey and one with sugar. I put it into fitday to see the calories and it was only about 113 or so, so I don't see why that would be a problem. I was also drinking a lot of water last night, thinking I was retaining water.

This makes it harder to want to keep that willpower. Add to that my BF is coming over to grill a steak for dinner, I'll have someone eating in front of me for the first time during this fast.

Oh well, I'm going to keep at it....

Day 9

No change in weight today. Perhaps because I started my period? I'm trying not to be disappointed, but deep down I am. I have to keep reminding myself that I've lost 10 lbs in a little over a week, a feat most mainstream diets could never achieve, and that I'm ahead of the game.

Hopefully I will see a large drop tomorrow or the day after, but I suppose my female body is retaining water and working against me for now.

I'm also starting to get pouty about food. I'd really like some salmon. YUM. And broccoli and brown rice. I keep telling myself not to break my fast yet, it's not worth it, as I'll probably gain and only have a net loss of around 5 lbs or so. That's not worth it IMHO.

So I will keep truckin on, hoping for the best.

At least I've been feeling just great. Nice and energetic.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

More Thoughts

I know I've said this before, but it begs repeating.

I'm so surprised and kind of disgusted that people think that a life-threatening surgery (bariatric surgery) is more acceptable than fasting.

It disturbs me that someone would think that allowing a doctor to cut your stomach into a little pouch and rearrange your innards is somehow safer than fasting, and that it's necessary for so many morbidly obese people.

I have a sick fascination with those morbidly obese documentary shows on Discovery and TLC and stuff. It first fascinates me that someone gets that fat. To which my BF always mentions how fat I am, and how I let myself get as fat as I did (206). He's right, to a degree. I suppose it's just a matter of denial to creep up to 300 and beyond. I managed to go from 147 to 172 in a few months, and I was in pure denial. I did it eating junk food. Lots of fast food. And eating as much as my 6'1" athletic boyfriend did. I admit, it was stupid and I was blind. It got to the point where I was so scared to get on the scale to see the gain, that I'd just avoid it. And then the scale was banished to the closet. Once and a while it would come out, I would attempt to lose weight, nothing would happen, and the scale was once again banished.

So I can see how one can just fall into a despair and denial, and just gain and gain.

It makes me sad that 1) no one ever explained fasting to these people as an option, and 2) that if they were to ever consider fasting on their own, people would scoff and tell them how crazy they are. It makes me sad that the weight loss rates for fasting and the first month of bariatric surgery are the same (approx 1 lb a day). It makes me sad that they have had their stomachs reduced to the size of an egg, and must forever eat that way.

I haven't lost enough weight to see yet, but there are claims on some fasting sites that even though the weight is rapidly lost, because the body is doing it naturally and consuming it's excess reserves that I won't lose skin elasticity or tone and end up with droopy bags of skin. Unfortunately that's not so for someone who has bariatric surgery.

With fasting, I can get the results of someone who had a major, dangerous, and expensive surgery. And it's FREE! Hehehe. I don't have to take supplements for the rest of my life because my stomach is no longer intact and unable to absorb nutrients as efficiently.

Fasting changes the foods that I crave. While sure, that commercial for Jack in the Box's meal looked pretty good, what I really want to eat are fruits, veggies, whole grains, fish, chicken, and other delicious and nutritious foods. I don't want sodas, ice cream, cake, donuts, etc. I'm sure I'll indulge when I want to, but my mindset and cravings are on a different track, and it was absolutely painless to change my eating desires. I had no thought about it, it just was. For someone who had GB, they still want the same foods they indulged in, they have to learn to like the new, healthier diet they're supposed to be eating, but it will be harder for them to break the junk food habit.

I just really wish these people who are in pain and suffering with their immense weight had someone to turn to, somewhere to go to have someone there to offer an alternative to the drastic means. I think fasting is a valid and successful way to change their lives, and far safer than surgery.

My cousin had GB. And I'll be honest with you here. I don't respect that. While I understand what a big decision it is to have the surgery and all the life changes that come with it. I still can't find respect for someone who couldn't do it "on their own". To have someone cut out your stomach because you can't make a change in your life seems like a cop-out. It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face. It's not your stomach's fault you are fat. It's all in your mind. That's what you need to change.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 8

186.8 lbs this morning.

If I continue to lose at 1-2 lbs a day, which I'm not sure how long this will last), I will be in the 170s by next week. *happy dance*

I find myself no more hungry then I ever was, but my mind is really quick to start thinking of breaking the fast. I have to snap myself out of it and remind myself that I'm not hungry, I just miss food. That tides me over for a while. It's a simple enough "craving" to break with a simple thought said to myself, so I don't find it to be very strong.

Going to the beach today with a friend. My retro bathing suit looks even cuter (I didn't think that was possible!) now that I'm 10 lbs lighter. The rouching in the front is even more rouchier! :) I've been putting off seeing her because she and I tend to have meals then get sloppy drunk. This way we'll be stranded at the beach with whatever snacks she brings, hopefully it'll be something I don't like or I can explain that I'm on an IF and today is a fast day. I just know she's not the type who would understand or accept it.

Someone on a forum I belong to and have recently posted a bit about my fasting has messaged me with interest. I shared a bunch of links with her to get going on the research. Hopefully she gives this or something similar a shot and is as happy as I am with the results and effects on both mind and body. I've stopped posting about the fast there because after a few days I started to get the people concerned about my health, the ones who have a knee-jerk reaction to "not eating", much as I did, and most people do, when they don't put in the research. It's ok, it's to be expected. I know they were only worried for my well-being.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 7

My goodness! I forgot to post today :)

187.8 lbs this morning. I had a few spoonfuls of honey last night to combat the intense light-headedness I was having.

Today I feel fit as a fiddle! Absolutely no weakness or light headedness at all.

I also played in my closet, trying on a bunch of outfits and dresses. I was so excited I fit into a slinky red satin dress I bought for a friend's wedding back in March but was too small to even zip halfway. Well, today, with no shapwear I got it all zipped up and looked pretty damn good! It's a good thing I couldn't wear it, or I might have upstaged the bride. I do need to wear my spanx to help with some rolls and lumps, but the thing fits!

Days like these are what makes it super easy to trek on. I got a couple grumbles when I was in the shower, but some water put an end to that. Though now the grumbles at night are starting to get me thinking of quitting early. I think I'm just starting to miss food.

What's funny is I was planning a picnic menu for my BF's birthday in August that consisted of fried chicken, potato salad, and some fruit bars (I think I mentioned this in my last post) but none of those got me hungry. It's when I think of broccoli and brown rice, salads, and tofu that I get all hungry! Hehehe.

Still super funky breath and tongue. Yuck. It means I have a ways to go for detox.

I just wish people would understand before they make assumptions. I have been avoiding meeting up with a friend who's visiting because where do friend's hang out? Restaurants. Bars. I finally worked out to meet up with her at the beach tomorrow. I should be able to avoid eating without getting suspicious. It's nice that my BF has come to terms with the fasting now and keeps remembering when he suggests a restaurant or something that "Oh, you're not eating though". It's sweet.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day 6

188.8 lbs this morning. I found that humorous :)

Last night I had a couple of rumbles in my tummy, and I was once again imagining pan-frying up some delicious tofu!! How weird.

Insomnia has not gone away. It takes me ages to fall asleep, only to wake about 2 hours later, again fall asleep, wake 2 hours later, etc. It's rather exhausting. I was really hoping I would have my fantastic sleep from my last fast again. :(

So it's really hard to gauge how tired I am based on sleep or fasting.

In a week I'll be closing in on the 170s!! Oh happy day!

Update: I had to have a spoonful of honey and another mixed in a cup of hot tea this afternoon. I felt just TOO weak. I ran to the post office to pick up some packages and I had to psych myself up for every minor exertion: getting off the couch, changing clothes (I actually changed while sitting on the toilet), walking down the stairs, getting into my low car (Tiburon coupe, the seat is like a foot off the ground), getting OUT of my low car, standing in line, carrying large packages, getting back INTO my car, driving (felt very light headed), getting me and the packages out of my car, then back UP the stairs. LOL. They're all incredibly minor activities but they really took a toll on me. I'm so happy I wasn't like this yesterday when I had to help my mom clean windows and strip beds and stuff! So I decided that I would have some honey to raise blood sugar and give me an extra boost of glucose to add to my energy :) It tasted wonderful, and my tea was lovely. I'm going to brew another cup without honey. I don't want to overdo it :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 5

191 this morning! WOOOOOOT. So I guess a little mild physical exertion pays off :)

I'm still doing well, had to help my mom clean her house today, so that was a little exhausting. I stood up too fast a couple of times and had to steady myself.

I think it's so weird the type of food cravings you get while fasting. Seriously, I'm not here dying for some ice cream or pizza. I'm fantasizing over tofu and sweet potatoes (I've never been fond of either). It's like once you let your body clean itself out, suddenly all the crap you used to desire is replaced with more healthful food. Which is another great bonus to resets your food desires. :)

I'm getting little hunger pangs here and there, nothing tragic or earth shattering though.

Had a cup of tea a while ago, probably have another later tonight :)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 4

193 this morning.

I tried putting on a ring last night that I had worn earlier in the day, and I must be retaining water or something because my fingers were swollen. Either it's the salt from the diet coke, or it's PMS. *shrug* No biggie, the weightloss has slowed down right now, I'm sure it will pick back up shortly.

I'm still doing well. No cravings or real hunger yet. Tummy did a couple gurgles last night. I had a pot of jasmine tea to try to soothe me to sleep. That didn't help. The insomnia is back. It's really frustrating. I kind of toss and turn, get semi-comfy, doze off, then open my eyes again. I never hit REM or had any dreams, and before I knew it I opened my eyes and it was 5:30 am! For some reason when I have these insomniac problems I sleep the most in the morning, between 5 am and 11 am. I hate that, because not only are you still tired, but now you've slept half the day away, and you've screwed up being able to get to sleep at a decent hour the next night.

So, I'm still going strong with the fast.

Update: Rode my bike to the library today for some free a/c. More tiring than normal, I was a little weak this morning. I feel fine now.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Day 3

I'm doing great. 194 lbs this morning. 4 lbs in 2 days.

I'm drinking a lot less water this time around, really just enough to satisfy my thirst. The first fast I was sucking down water all day thinking it would a) flush the fat faster and b) keep me from getting hungry.

Staying up late reading up on fasting and IF (intermittent fasting/feeding) to give me inspiration. I think I'm going to push for a full 30 days this time. I really think I can do it. I also really want to just be done with the prolonged fasting and being fat. I think IF is a great idea, but right now I want SPEED. I'll probably use IF as a way to maintain or to drop a couple pounds if I have a little gain, but that's when I close in on my goal.

It's been easy because my BF moved out. I don't have to think about food for him, don't have to watch him eat, etc. I have kept my fridge door closed as much as possible. It was also SUPER easy because I had my cable out for a week. I wasn't bombarded with all those food commercials. They really are all over the place.

I'm meeting my BF for a movie in a couple of hours. He can get popcorn or a hot dog and I should be able to resist, and the fact that we won't be seated in a restaurant or I wont have to watch him eat will make it easier. I may get a diet coke at the movies. Remember, I'm not doing this for a detox, I'm doing it for weight loss. I'm vain. Plus, having a flavor in my mouth may help me fight any desire for what he's eating. We'll see if I do that or just stick with water :)

I'm happy with my progress and happy to know that I will be well into the 180s and closing in on the 170s by the end of this week. Oh happy day!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

I'm baaaack!

Ok, I've totally fallen off the bandwagon here, not posting at all.

What's happened? I've remained in the 196 lb realm all through June. While I fluctuated up a few pounds here and there, my body always naturally brought be back down to here. It's nice knowing I managed to reset my set point.

I've also had several false starts with a new fast. I managed several 1 or 2 days fasts, but I always found myself talking myself info eating and breaking the fasts.

I'm really striving to get back into the fasting for weight loss. I've been reading up of fasting again to inspire me, and I found a bunch of old photos of me in highschool and college where I was much thinner. Those are up on the fridge now.

Yesterday was day 1, today is day 2. I almost convinced myself to get food a couple of times last night, but I managed to press on. Today I'm expecting the same thing.

In the time since my initial long fast, I have not had any fast food! The only thing close has been pizza. But no Taco Bell or Jack in the Box, which is quite a feat for someone who used to eat there almost daily. My diet has also gone about 70% vegetarian, and I crave odd things for dinner like steamed broccoli with brown rice. That's been one of my favorites. I don't eat meat all that much anymore. This is all very unconsciously.

Ok, stats:

Start: July 3, 2009
Start Weight: 198 lbs (I really pigged out the night before to clean out my fridge)

Current weight: 195 lbs

3 lbs in 1 day.