Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 5

191 this morning! WOOOOOOT. So I guess a little mild physical exertion pays off :)

I'm still doing well, had to help my mom clean her house today, so that was a little exhausting. I stood up too fast a couple of times and had to steady myself.

I think it's so weird the type of food cravings you get while fasting. Seriously, I'm not here dying for some ice cream or pizza. I'm fantasizing over tofu and sweet potatoes (I've never been fond of either). It's like once you let your body clean itself out, suddenly all the crap you used to desire is replaced with more healthful food. Which is another great bonus to fasting.....it resets your food desires. :)

I'm getting little hunger pangs here and there, nothing tragic or earth shattering though.

Had a cup of tea a while ago, probably have another later tonight :)

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