Sunday, July 5, 2009

Day 3

I'm doing great. 194 lbs this morning. 4 lbs in 2 days.

I'm drinking a lot less water this time around, really just enough to satisfy my thirst. The first fast I was sucking down water all day thinking it would a) flush the fat faster and b) keep me from getting hungry.

Staying up late reading up on fasting and IF (intermittent fasting/feeding) to give me inspiration. I think I'm going to push for a full 30 days this time. I really think I can do it. I also really want to just be done with the prolonged fasting and being fat. I think IF is a great idea, but right now I want SPEED. I'll probably use IF as a way to maintain or to drop a couple pounds if I have a little gain, but that's when I close in on my goal.

It's been easy because my BF moved out. I don't have to think about food for him, don't have to watch him eat, etc. I have kept my fridge door closed as much as possible. It was also SUPER easy because I had my cable out for a week. I wasn't bombarded with all those food commercials. They really are all over the place.

I'm meeting my BF for a movie in a couple of hours. He can get popcorn or a hot dog and I should be able to resist, and the fact that we won't be seated in a restaurant or I wont have to watch him eat will make it easier. I may get a diet coke at the movies. Remember, I'm not doing this for a detox, I'm doing it for weight loss. I'm vain. Plus, having a flavor in my mouth may help me fight any desire for what he's eating. We'll see if I do that or just stick with water :)

I'm happy with my progress and happy to know that I will be well into the 180s and closing in on the 170s by the end of this week. Oh happy day!

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