Sunday, July 12, 2009

Breaking my fast tomorrow (temporarily!)

I have a girlfriend visiting from out of town and she has been hounding me to get together to have dinner with her. I thought I satiated her need to see me by hanging at the beach, but that wasn't enough apparently. Hehehe.

So, reluctantly, and on the heels of my stupid stall, I will break my fast tomorrow.

I'm going to break it with juice (and maybe a papaya!) in the morning, and I'll try to stick with a simple salad for dinner, but the thought of some salmon is kind of tempting. That may be too much! I didn't have any adverse effects coming off my last fast, so I may be fairly ok.

I think I'll just stay off my fast for a few days, or maybe just one day, and hop back on. Heck, it may even break me out of the stall.

So, I'm preparing for the worst and hoping for the best.

I think it's really difficult to get through a 30 day fast if you aren't hidden away from the world at some retreat, because there is the constant pressure to eat. 2 week fasts seem to be all I can manage right now, and any way I look at it, it's still better than nothing.

To think, had I not discovered fasting, I would be sitting her at 206 lbs right now, thinking of ordering a burger and lots of beer tomorrow, instead of 186 lbs, thinking of the lightest, healthiest thing I can get off the menu :) Change is change.

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