Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day 6

188.8 lbs this morning. I found that humorous :)

Last night I had a couple of rumbles in my tummy, and I was once again imagining pan-frying up some delicious tofu!! How weird.

Insomnia has not gone away. It takes me ages to fall asleep, only to wake about 2 hours later, again fall asleep, wake 2 hours later, etc. It's rather exhausting. I was really hoping I would have my fantastic sleep from my last fast again. :(

So it's really hard to gauge how tired I am based on sleep or fasting.

In a week I'll be closing in on the 170s!! Oh happy day!

Update: I had to have a spoonful of honey and another mixed in a cup of hot tea this afternoon. I felt just TOO weak. I ran to the post office to pick up some packages and I had to psych myself up for every minor exertion: getting off the couch, changing clothes (I actually changed while sitting on the toilet), walking down the stairs, getting into my low car (Tiburon coupe, the seat is like a foot off the ground), getting OUT of my low car, standing in line, carrying large packages, getting back INTO my car, driving (felt very light headed), getting me and the packages out of my car, then back UP the stairs. LOL. They're all incredibly minor activities but they really took a toll on me. I'm so happy I wasn't like this yesterday when I had to help my mom clean windows and strip beds and stuff! So I decided that I would have some honey to raise blood sugar and give me an extra boost of glucose to add to my energy :) It tasted wonderful, and my tea was lovely. I'm going to brew another cup without honey. I don't want to overdo it :)

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