Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 0

Today is the day I've decided to fast. Some bad things happened today, which made it very easy to skip eating.

I'm also at a complete loss at how to overcome my weight. My willpower is shot, my drive is gone, and my ego is crushed through dozens of poor starts and no results.

Today I managed to eat nothing, but at night when I visited my parents I had 2 pieces of raisin bread toast with butter because I felt hungry. So I do not count this as Day 1, but Day 0.

I have a friend who fasts often. She binges, gains weight, then fasts to lose it. I don't feel that is particularly healthy, but it works for her. I need to do something that works.

So I spent the evening researching water fasts online. There is a great deal of information, but as I searched for testimonials and results, the Google hits were lacking. Hence my decision to blog this, both for me to track my success and for others to be able to see what this is all about.


Height 5'5"
Weight 206.8 lbs
Bone structure: medium build

I don't kid myself. I am not big boned, I am not genetically predisposed to being fat, I don't have a thyroid problem, I am fat because I eat to much and I don't exercise. I'm honest about my reasons.

I'm also honest about my reasons for fasting. I'm not in it for the detox or spiritual stuff. I'm in it for self control and fat loss. I am vain.

Several years ago I did a 3 day Master Cleanse Fast. I don't recall any weight loss, but I did like the feeling of control and the loss of my monstrous appetite. I wish I had the willpower to go longer. I will go as long as I can, I am not sure what to set my ultimate goal at right now. I've seen too many failed fasting attempts online, and I don't want to set myself up for failure. 3, 7, 10, and 14 days sound too short. I want to lose 60+ lbs and I don't want to screw around. 21 and 30 days sound more likely, but they also sound very hard, and I don't want to set myself up for failure with a number that I cannot achieve. So I think for now I will set a goal of 21 days, and longer if I can.

I will break my fast when my body tells me to. I have great respect in my own body to know what it needs. I will listen to it, and also know when a craving is just that - a craving and not a need.

This is where it begins.

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