Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Post Fast Day 2

Ok, to recap day 1 first:

Had a cup of OJ from Jamba Juice (just the fresh squeezed stuff). Did not have the skies part or angels sing. Felt ok until I almost finished the glass, then I felt awful. Kind of sick and icky all over. Eventually that passed, then after a few hours I got all twitchy and headache-y. I think I was having a drop in blood sugar or something. I felt like I was tweaking on something. I was all fidgety, kept rubbing my face and neck, wringing my hands, and for the first time I was all short and snappy with my BF. I even told him "See, I was nicer when I wasn't eating!". So I ran out and got a papaya and a fruit cup. Downed most of the fruit cup before BF told me to take it easy. Felt much better. Had an itty bitty and bizzare BM. I think it was mostly orange juice or something. Unfortunately fruit isn't satisfying, and now that I was suddenly having food again, I needed to satiate myself. BF kept offering peanut butter because he was worried I was protein deficient or something. He finally said "I'm going to make you a sandwich" and left for the kitchen with me protesting that it would be too much. Turns out he was making me a little Lunchables sandwich with ham, cheese, and crackers. THAT was the heavens parting and angels singing. HOLY COW. I ate that really slowly, savoring each bite. Seriously. And I don't usually like Lunchables. I ate 2 more. Then I had a half a papaya and a few more Lunchables for dinner.

I didn't follow my plan at all, and I was really worried I screwed myself up in the tummy as well as gained a bunch of weight back. Thankfully, this morning the scale showed no change. But I haven't had a BM yet, and that worries me. I'm scared of what's brewing in my tummy.

Onto today. I had half a papaya for breakfast. Had a few slices of bananas with the kids for morning snack. Drank some water. For lunch I ate beef stew with brown rice and milk with the kids. I got scared that I ate too much too fast. I had 2 ice cream sized scoops of stew and 2 spoonfuls of rice (about half a "hawaiian" scoop) and probably a half a cup of milk. It was heaven. I know the school prepares its own food to be nutritious for the kids, so I'm not too concerned. Still worried about the BM to come.

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