Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day 2

Day 2 is halfway through, and I weighed this morning. I can't say that I'm not disappointed that I have had no weight loss yet, but I will continue. Hopefully my body is just hanging on for a bit, and I will see a large loss at the end of Week 1. I will stay off the scale until my 7 day mark.

I'm visiting with my parents, which makes the not eating difficult. My mom is a great cook, and she was making raviolis she was going to cook tonight. I will have to think of an excuse. I told her I wasn't feeling really well yesterday. I can't back down, this is important.

I will ammend this post at the end of the day to account for the rest of it.

Update: I am very tired and weary feeling. I took a nap today, and haven't really done much. I feel weak when I get up. This is supposed to pass. I'm not sure if my body is counting this as day 2 or 3, so I shall have to see what tomorrow brings.

I keep thinking about food, it's odd. My parents brought home fabulous pizza, but I have stayed strong. My thoughts of food are more like just thoughts than cravings or anything.

I caved a little and I'm drinking a Lipton Diet Tea right now, because I craved a flavor. At 0 calories and 80mg sodium, I don't think that's going to really cause any problems. I have jasmine tea I can brew as well.

Looking online, I find it curious that fasting views are so polarized. Sure, I can't imagine that a long fast would be healthy for someone of a normal starting weight, but I can't see how it would be bad for someone who is obese like me.

Is it really better for my heart, lungs, joints, mental health to be 200+ lbs than it is to stop eating for a while? How can I possibly starve with all this extra fat all over my body? I'm not going to look like a Holocaust victim after 3 weeks. I won't even be thin, but hopefully I will be on the right track.

I don't see the harm. To me, the benifits outweigh any perceived risks. And the damage I've caused (and am causing) to my body by adding and maintaining all this excess weight seems far more detrimental to my overall health than fasting.

Tomorrow is going to be tricky, and I'm a little concerned. It's Mother's Day, and friends are coming over to go to the beach and cookout. They day will be filled with beer, wine, and tons of great food. Hopefully no one will notice that I'm not eating. We shall see.

I also hope this weakness goes away soon. I'm not a fan.

I've been reading and people seem to miss chewing. I wonder if sugar free gum in times like that is acceptable? I don't see why not, unless you are fasting for the detox purposes. Again, I'm in it for the weight loss, so doesn't seem like a problem for me.

Update 2: Yeeeeesssss!! I stepped on the scale out of morbid curiosity to discover that after the disappointment of seeing 206.8 this morning, the scale now registered 203 this afternoon! Hooray! I'm so happy and this just helps my resolve. So you can see this as an almost 4 lb loss in 2 or 3 days (as I've said I'm not sure what my body is counting this as because I fasted all day on 0 except for the raisin bread).

Well worth it.

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