Monday, May 18, 2009

Day 11

190 lbs this morning. My body fat is sentient and evil and hates me. It knew damn well I was hoping to see the 180s today, so it gave me 190 lbs out of spite. Evil.

Anyways, last night, everytime I looked in the mirror, I could have sworn I had lost weight in my face. It looked so much prettier and my double chin was barely there.

Day 11 and I've got 10 more to go. I feel fine, but my lower back has been killing me and keeping me awake. I think that has more to do with other factors than the fast. I'll try to get in to see the chiropractor today. I'll also try to go for a walk.

My tongue seems to have become more disgusting, and my breath horrid. I wake up in the morning hocking nasty little loogies (eeeew), brushing my teeth, scraping my tongue to the point of gagging (an interesting feeling since my tummy has nothing to give up) and rinsing with mouthwash. And yet the taste and smell are back within a half an hour. I keep waiting for this stage to clear up, but perhaps I've been causing myself undue setbacks with the juices and broths and gums. Well, I'll try my darndest with just water from here on out, but I can't make any promises.

I also think smells might be really hightened for me or something. Yesterday morning I was awoken by the smell of stale pee (like when someone doesn't flush the toilet for a couple of days). Both my toilets were fresh and clean, the lanai where my dogs sometimes pee was gross, but that's a different smell. I sprayed that down with vinegar until I can get some enzymatic deodorizer. All day I kept smelling that funk, never able to place my finger on it. I'm still not sure if it was just coming from my own nostrils or I was smelling something real.

Fabulous Weightloss Result: My watch fits again! And it's loose enough to stick the first knuckle worth of 2 fingers between! I have a metal link watch that I like to wear loose and bracelet-y, but I haven't worn it for a while because it was actually snug. I'm also wearing my size 16 jeans without the heinous stuffed-sausage-camel-toe look in the front. I still have a yucky muffin top, but my blubber hasn't taken over every ounce of available space in my pants. Good news!!

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