Friday, May 15, 2009

Day 8

Late posting today, I had things to do.

193 again this morning. Funny, first day I haven't seen the scale budge. Maybe I was thinking too hard about all the foods I want to eat, hehehe. It also seems that weighing later in the day to see losses has gone out the window. It's back to "normal", where you should only weigh in the morning. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

Little dizzy when I stand up to quickly, little tired, but I helped my mom clean house and sand floors today, so obviously I had enough energy to be capable of doing that.

I went to Jack in the Box with my parents today for lunch, and I lied to them, telling them I'm doing an intermittent type of fasting, where I eat one day and don't eat the next. It allowed me to just drink water while they ate, and mom asked me more about it. I'll be honest when I reach a goal or two. I explained to my mom how I no longer crave any sweets, and that I'm craving really random things. I think I need to prepare a list of foods I want to eat when I get back, and schedule when I eat them so I have a nice plan of attack that will keep me from going nuts when I get to eat again. I think the first on my list will be sushi, because that's pretty good for you, and I'm pretty sure that was the first thing I started dreaming about.

Speaking of dreams, the last few nights I have been having very vivid, lucid dreams. It's been neat and fun. I don't feel like I'm just following along, but that I'm actually acting it out and making changes. I also have excellent recall as to what my dream was about. Cool.

Another little odd thing, last night I did some tummy massages as some people suggest, and this afternoon I had a tiny bowel movement. My first in days! It was little, kind of solid, kind of sloppy, and yellowish. I guess my intestines and colon have been holding out on me!

I've been getting really dry mouth, the foamy spit kind, and it seems like I can't get enough water. Sugarless gum helps in times like these, as it stimulates saliva production.

Oh, and the last two nights I've been having a gurgling tummy, I think it's begging for food. Not yet my little tum-tum.

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