Thursday, May 21, 2009

Post Fast Day 3

I gained about 2 lbs. I forgot exactly what the scale said, 191.something. I'm not terribly concerned because my body has food in it now, and I still haven't had a BM, so everything I've been eating is basically still in there....which is a little concerning. If something doesn't happen today I think I might pop a laxative tonight just so I can see that my body's still working right!

I've been getting weak and dizzy in the afternoon, almost like a drop in blood sugar. This is so odd to me because when I wasn't consuming anything this didn't really seem to happen.

Yesterday I went grocery shopping and felt queasy and nauseous the whole time, and on my way home I felt so bad I stopped at the gas station for a carton of OJ. I tried sipping that, which helped a bit, but when I gulped it down I felt much better. Hmm, I guess I'd better have some juice handy for a while.

I bought those rounds of Laughing Cow spreadable cheeses, the ones that come in little foil wedges and some baked Ritz crackers for a snack. Those are fantastic! Even my BF ate them, which I was surprised he would even like them (he's a Doritos man). I didn't get any fruit because the store I went to has crummy fresh fruits and veggies from my past experience. I think I'll just make a point of walking/biking to Foodland a block away for daily fruit.

So I snacked on those, then for dinner I had half a turkey & turkey ham sandwich with mustard and mayo, lettuce and shredder cheese, a bowl of caesar salad, and some more of the cheese and crackers. I finished off the juice (it was the pint size). I stopped eating at 6:30 pm, but I had a few crackers at around 10 pm - gotta work on that.

I'm concerned about portion sizes and oddly don't feel like I know what is "too much".

For breakfast this morning (day 3) I had a cinnamon raisin english muffin with some I Can't Believe it's Not Butter.

For lunch I had a regular sandwich (2 pieces bread) of the same sandwich I had yesterday, and I had a bowl of ceasar salad (it's the bag kit, I was going to make parmesan chicken for my BF last night, but I'll make it tonight).

I just had a snack of some crackers (the it's like 28 crackers for 4 g of fat) and about half of one of those little cheese wedges. Drinking water now.

I want to make plantation iced tea to keep in the fridge to drink. I'm usually a Crystal Light drinker but I'm going to try to opt for natural sweetners like real sugar, honey, and juices. So I want to brew tea and dump a can of pineapple juice in it to sweeten it and make plantation tea. Yum.

For dinner tonight I'll be making parmesan chicken (the lazy way) by making shake & bake chicken breasts, then putting marinara sauce and mozzarela on top the last few minutes. Side with a ceasar salad. I'm sure I'll eat most of the salad and have 1 piece of chicken. That doesn't sound too bad, right?

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