Sunday, May 17, 2009

Day 10

190.4 lbs this morning.

After sleeping on it last night, I've decided to keep going until I reach 21 days. Here are my reasons:

I'm not hungry, I'm just craving eating. There are millions of starving people across the world that can't sit up and say one day, "Gee, I'm kind of hungry now, I think I'll eat". I just want food. The different flavors and such.

I'm almost halfway to 21 days. That's an achievement, and I can't throw that aside for some sushi.

In 21 days, if I continue a steady course of 1 lb a day, I can be 179 lbs when I break my fast, with a loss of 27 lbs. That give me much more comfort than 15 lbs should I gain anything back when I eat again.

Now, I can break my weightloss down into 3 21 day fasts, assuming a 20 lbs loss each fast. By my second fast I'll be into a weight range that I spent most of my life in (150-160). My third fast should find me in the 130-140 range, which I believe then constitutes a healthy weight range for my height and frame. Considering less loss or more gain between fasts, I may have to throw an extra one in there.

According to weight charts, my ideal weight is about 125 lbs. So I will continue with mini-fasts, more along the lines of Eat Stop Eat or something to reach that. No need for these excessive fasts when I am so low and close. Then I shall just maintain a healthy lifestyle, rebuild some of the muscle I've lost during the fast and many years of no exercise (my upper body strength is pathetic). I know that if I gain 10 lbs, it's time to do a couple of short fasts to get my body back to it's goal weight.

Remember, I don't recommend what I'm doing for someone who is 10 lbs from their goal. I'm in the morbidly obese category. The strain on my heart, joints, and other body parts are apparent to me, and far worse than fasting. I'm trying to get myself thinner and keep me there, and I'm an American, which means I need results, and I need the FAST if I'm expected to be motivated.

As for the day's entry, I feel good today. Sundays I enjoy sleeping in as late as possible and playing in my dreams, so I woke up around 11 am. I'm not weak, I'm not lightheaded. I have icky coated tongue and bad breath, I have a dull empty feeling deep in my tummy, but I'm feeling good.

I'm halfway done, and this wasn't as painful as I suspected it to be. I just got all crave-y and excited at the idea of all these yummy foods that I got ahead of myself last night. 11 more days and I'll drive out to my good sushi place and enjoy a couple pieces of my favorite. I'll also go out to my favorite fish place (on another day) and get the best damn fish in town (they are in the same parking lot as the fish auction). Ahi belly probably. Yuuuum. 11 days is nothing. I've already made it longer than a week, and 4 more days will make it 2 weeks. What's another week?

Fabulous weightloss result: My glasses aren't leaving dents in my temples! Whoooooooooo! Did you know that your head actually gets fat when you do? This is something I discovered when I lost and gained weight. Sunglasses got loose and tight depending on my weight. Very strange.

Update: I'm sipping a mug of chicken broth right now. I just absolutely needed some flavor. I know it's not actual food I want, but flavor. At 5 calories (and a bunch of sodium) I'm sure the calorie aspect of it won't hurt me, I'm a little concerned about the sodium. I'm also hoping that having flavors won't trigger bad hunger pangs or anything. We shall see. I'm not going to be a s strict this last week, and I'll have juices and such if I really want them. One good thing, the chicken broth instantly helped eliminate the dry, foamy spit-mouth thing I've had going on lately. So let this be a lesson, it's about the long run, not so strict that you're dying of desire at every food smell you encounter.

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