Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Some Thoughts

I'm really annoyed at the naysayers who scream at the stupidity of fasting and that I'll gain back every single ounce AND THEN SOME the second I put food to my mouth again.

I've been researching a lot online, and it seems that there is a large amount of people out there who think like that.

Of course I'll gain back all the weight and then some if I go back to my original diet and lifestyle. That's an absurd argument. Any diet that is followed by a poor diet and lifestyle will result in the return of pounds and then some.

I absolutely despise idiotic comments.

If someone honestly thinks that I, or any other person who embarks on a fast is stupid enough to go through this, only to fallback on daily meals at Taco Bell and Jack in the Box, gorging on cupcakes and candy bars, drinking a case of beer every week, and never exercising they have another thing coming to them.

Part of the greatness of fasting is that it shows me that I'm in control. My hunger and cravings are practically gone. I know that I don't have to answer every call to food and I won't suffer because I didn't eat that second helping.

Sure, I'll eat junk food. I'm not a health freak. I'll also keep it under control and I'll be prepared if I feel it gets out of hand.

I've done the whole weightloss thing the "right way" before. I lost 27 lbs on Nutrisystem. It took me around 9 months if I recall. For 27 lbs! There were ups and downs. I learned better nutrition and eating. I gained it all back, and then some within a few months because I fell right back into my old habits, and I chose to ignore the numbers on the scale. Denial is not a river in Egypt. Stupid me. I've learned my lesson.

I did Weight Watchers for a very short time. I think I may have lost about 5 lbs. I was bored and annoyed, and I hated counting everything. It just completely felt like I was being deprived. All the things I wanted, but I couldn't have because I hit my count for the day.

Oddly, I don't feel deprived while fasting. It's also comforting to know that I won't have the long task ahead of me of fighting and struggling through 6 or more (probably more) months of slow and tedious weight loss. Fasting is not forever. Fasting is quick. 2-3 months I can potentially hit my goal weight. Then I can ease back into a healthier lifestyle. I can then maintain my weight by periodic short fasts, or something like Eat Stop Eat.

End rant.

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